Friday 14 January 2011


For the first assignment we took a trip to Leeds Royal Armoury, her I did numerous amounts of rough sketches and got many ideas that could help me with the project. I really liked the look of some of the weapons that they had on show for example the boot that had the dagger in the sole. I then came up with a few ideas of joining the weapons with modern day fashion and clothing. I played around with the idea of which weapon I could take and put with an item of clothing. I used Photoshop and its tools to make some rough ideas and get a feel at the angle that I wanted my project to go. I came to the decision of using a shoe with a handgun so my next step was to start developing my ideas.
I started by drawing some shoes that would be appropriate for my project, I also did the same for a selection of guns. I then chose the best show and the best gun and drew them together with the gun being in the heel of the boot. The final idea that I had was a ladies pistol and an ankle boot as show in my blog and sketch book. The final idea shows how the gun would work using a lever system attached to a bar that would be near the ball of the foot and would fire if the toes were clenched, I then went on the decided to add more material to the front of the shoe so that extra balance could be given when using the shoe.
I drew many perspective drawings for this part of the project, I experimented with 1, 2 and 3 points in the pictures. I went on to draw my neighbour’s car and living room and two parts of the university one and kedleston road library and another at the Markeaton street campus. I have always had a love for Disney so I decided to draw my cousins wall-e toy because it could be drawn in perspective reasonable easy. This is my favourite drawing of the year so far!
I then too k the picture of the Markeaton campus and experimented with both pastels and normal colouring crayons, I then took it from there into Photoshop and used the tools that it provides. I made the picture look altogether a better drawing and look more of an environment than it was before. I enjoyed art this year especially perspective because it has helped develop my overall art skill and see different objects with ha more accurate eye and the ability to see perspective lines without really thinking about it. This year has also challenged me with my drawing ability as well as the other modules have challenged other aspects. I feel that we need to be given a little more feedback as the class all seemed to be behind on the art assignments and struggled at times, however I think this was just due to the lack of time we had, we the agad milestone preventing some lectures and the bad weather. Overall I felt it was a fantastic and incredibly helpful start to the module!

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